7 tips to help you better position yourself to secure a job


As a staff member, I am often asked by friends and potential employees what they can do to better position themselves to stand head and shoulders above other applicants. All, although there are many answers and variables to this question, below are 7 tips to help you place yourself better in your job search and secure that job opportunity. dgi job

1. Evaluate your fit - Make sure you are a "suitable fit" for the job, culture and organization. This takes some effort to research the company. This is pretty easy to do in this technological age. Most companies have a wealth of information about them on their website, blogs, etc. Key information you need to get acquainted with is who the hiring manager is, the company's mission, vision and culture, new developments in the organization, etc. Effective Recruitment

2. Prepare questions & get directions - Based on your research, prepare questions about the job and the company. This demonstrates initiative and your level of interest in the opportunity and the company. Employers want to know if you want to be a committed employee or not. Get driving directions and estimated travel time to the interview site if you are unfamiliar with the location. MapQuest is a great resource for finding this type of information. job ads

3. Follow the instructions - Carefully read the application guidelines and job requirements. Apply for positions that meet your KSA (Knowledge, Skill and Ability). Fill in all the fields in the application because they are there for a reason. Take the time to complete any required behavioral assessment, etc. Let your application and / or resume speak for you AND always be truthful! job vejle

4. Kjole til succes - Klæd dig professionelt til samtalen, uanset om du forfølger en udøvende niveau eller husholdningsposition. Husk den 3 sekunders regel - de fleste mennesker danner en mening om andre inden for de første tre sekunder, de møder. Brug om nødvendigt kraftfarver: sort, marineblå eller grå. Sørg for, at du er velplejet, negle er pæne, og cologne eller parfume er ikke anmassende. job i hedensted

5. Ankom tidligt - Prøv at være mindst 10-15 minutter (ikke mere end dette) minutter for tidligt. Dette giver dig mulighed for at finde parkering, forberede detaljer i sidste øjeblik og demonstrere, at du er rettidig og respekt for andres tid. job Aalborg

6. Kommuniker effektivt - Kommunikation er både verbal og ikke-verbal. Giv et fast men ikke overmægtigt håndtryk. Interviewet skal være en give and take. Husk kommunikation involverer effektiv lytte og tale. Vær ikke bange for at stille spørgsmål.

7. Spørg om det - Når interviewet afsluttes, skal du takke intervieweren for hans eller hendes tid, udtrykke dit interesseniveau for muligheden og gentage kort din K.S.A. (Viden, færdigheder og evne). Find ud af "næste trin" ved at stille spørgsmål som "hvornår kan jeg foregribe et opkald?" eller "hvad er din tidsramme for at udfylde denne position?"


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